90 Days Fat Loss Program

Fat Loss Program

All of us begin our weight-loss ventures with great enthusiasm but most often, we fail to sustain them, giving it up quickly and swiftly gaining back the weight that was lost, and then add some!

Here's a 90-day plan for urban women in their 30s and 40s who may not suffer from any serious health condition, but who are largely sedentary and follow lifestyles that lead them to eat at wrong hours, without much movement to burn the calories.

Count 90-days from the day you start, and circle the date on your calendar. Each week, incorporate a small change in your life, allowing your body to adjust comfortably to it. The idea is to sensibly reduce the calories and gradually increase exercise.

Follow this goal-oriented, time-bound plan to lose up to 10kg.

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Things To Bring

Water Bottle

Sports Shoes

Sweat Towel

Extra Clothes

Class Time Table

Day Time Trainer
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